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Happy Birthday Mom. You are the greatest woman in my life 🙂

Another birthday dinner treat, it may seem exactly the same as last year but this time round Skyler joined in the celebration. I’m pretty sure this is the best gift my mom received this year!

Mom is carrying her present 😉

With MOM & DAD!

May both of you stay healthy and cheerful always. Looking forward to many celebration like this 😉

Is a joyful week not just for me but my family and also fans from TJC. Just before this birthday dinner I attended my first ever official gathering with my fanclub, TJC. Thank you to the committees who put in so much efforts in making this event a success. Not forgetting everyone who turned up! I definitely had lots of fun with all of you;)

It was a pleasant surprise to received so many homemade Cookies/Food and DIY Cards/Gifts!

Thank you for all the joy&motivation you brought to me…

hope to see all of you again =)


Although my religion is Christian but I’m not active in it cause I see myself more of a free-thinker but never the less I still do believe the exist of Jesus. This morning there is this 2 lady who drop by my house and have a  short sharing session. honestly, the first thought is “are they trying to sell me anything?” I’m sure most of us feel this way when stranger approach you. oh well, at least I do but I decided to give it a try since there’s no harm listening…  so it was about sharing the name of GOD. I appreciate their effort in standing for 15mins outside my gate and sharing this name call Jehova. at least for this morning I get to know something new.

Yesterday did a interview with our new trainees who just posted into our unit. It was a different kind of responsibility.. to enlighten them and solve all their problems. I never know how important a Interview can get till yesterday. Sadly, most of them are fear of the training and some even thought of giving up when the actual training had not even start. Although I can’t see their graduation ceremony but I sure hope to see them endure and finish this 16weeks.

As for me, I need to pack up and start my journey. I not sure how is going to be but will be optimistic. Afterall, i’m 24 there’s still a long long way to go isn’t it…

Continue reading to find out how the name Jehova come about. I not sure if this definition is correct?

by Micha F. Lindemans

The name by which God revealed himself to the ancient Hebrews (Ex. 6:2, 3). This name was spelled “hwhy” (the Hebrew equivalent of “YHWH”) and is known as the Tetragrammaton (meaning “four letters”). Since it was considered too sacred to pronounce, the Jews would substitute the Sacred Name (Ha-Shem) with the word “Adonai.”

To indicate this substitution in the Masoretic Text, the Masoretes added the vowel points from the word “Adonai” to the Sacred Name. Early Christian translators mistakenly combined the vowels of Adonai with the consonants of YHWH, producing the word “YaHoWaH.” When the Scriptures were translated into German during the Reformation (16th century), the word was transliterated into the German way of pronouncing it: the “Y” as the English “J”, and the “W” as the English “V” — or “Jahovah.” In the early 17th century, the Scriptures were translated into English and the word was again transliterated, as “Jehovah.”

This error has carried over into many modern (English) translations, but is now recognized as a translation error that was never used by the Jews. – http://www.pantheon.org/articles/j/jehova.html

Happy 2007

3 more days to 2008, another year is drawing close. 2007 had been a really challenging one both good and bad, happy and sad. Well, every year we will face all kinds of situation and what really important is what we learnt and apply… whether I’ve acccomplish my goals or not, I will stay focus on my track and continue to bring excitement and achievement to my life and peoples around me.

I thank god for blessing my family as we stay healthy and happy thru out this ’07 =) Personally I’ve also made some progress in my little career…

Accepted my first action role in Kinship (手足), the few days of shoot had leave a great memorable experience in my acting journey. Pain and sweat were given but in return what i’m happy most is the guidance from director and stundman (Wu Zi) and this is my 2nd time acting DEAD! lolx… The first time was Heartlander back in 2005…

Live Again (天堂鸟) was one of my chinese drama which I was given a role with proper name (周天宇). ok that was kind of pai-sei to say but again I appreciate the chances given to me with pages of dialogue to say, not forget the days I stay in office to practice over and over the “lines”… =)

(我们的饭店) an upcoming chinese drama, spend numourous days filming this show and because of the long hours shoot, I get to see, witness and learnt things that I may miss out in other production I did. a different point of view to see a bigger picture. 😉

This year had a taste of TVC, just finish shooting this month. looking forward to see all parts and pieces joined together.. added another kind of experience to my database. =)

I’m on runway! again, this my first time on a professional fashion runway show. apart from the acting line, i get to try out the glamour side of fashion industry. I must say, it’s a whole new experience…
p.s: this fashion show were also feat. on yesterday NEW PAPER and today’s Lian He Zao Bao.

sp_a0951.jpgApart from the above, I also tried theater act (The Musical Box) in mid of this year. It was a nervous night as i’m playing one of the lead role but thanks to all my co-partners who help one another to pull off this musical….

another happy moments of 2007 and of course this little achievement is just my stepping stone to keep me moving and achieve for the better…

Not forgetting my 22nd Birthday celebration @ Thailand with Andreas and Yit Hann plus my Poly Graduation~  

Well I guess this is enough to put a good Closure for my 2007 and get myself prepared for serving the Nation on the coming Jan 2008! I’m not sure how’s the next 2 year will be like but i’m confident that it will be a good one.

Experience and Exposure gain will not go to waste… let me just put it aside for the moment, I believe when the times come, it will be useful ya =)

Ayumi Hamasaki HAPPY X’mas SHOW! on 23rd Dec ’07

busy week END! =)

Alright it’s 9.30 in the morning.. had a really good sleep last night. Current schedule is tie up with shows and rehearsal. Yesterday is a one great experience where i almost drain all my energy for the day. First in the morning was having a shoot in the Pool and have to swim and swim back in the afternoon i head to gym and in the evening i’m having a dance rehearsal! I SWEAT the whole day lah~ 

Today will be the actual performance in the evening! 大家加油! After today I will have my good weekend. There are like so many Outstanding stuff to do… 

By the way look out for me on this coming mon and wed on Ch8
<<天堂鸟>> =)